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April 2013 BVNA Meeting Minutes



Minutes of the Meeting Tuesday,, April 23,, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7::226 PM

PRESENT : [77 people present]]

Members :

Brian Habekoss (PPresident))

Loui Tucker (DDirector))

Sabine Zappe (DDirector )

José González (SSecretary))

Joe Carpenter (DDirector))


Melrose Cacal (PPierluigi Oliverio’s office))


The minutes of the March meeting were posted on the website and the yahoo group files section.. The minutes were amended and appro ved..


Joe mentioned that there are still illegal signs are being posted.. Loui mentioned the most recent Taylor & Morrison signs for a development at Meridian and Hillsdale where the homes are just n ow being con s tructed and there are signs up every weekend up to three miles away . She a s ked Melrose (PPier Luigi Oliverio’s aide)) to help with the issue of en forcement of the current code.. Joe mentioned that the lack of code enforcement to illegal sig n posters could result in revenue to the city if a letter is sent to the violators and fines are levied .


The park construction is underway and John mentioned that the tentative date to have phase 1 finished is N ovember.. W e still have not technically adopted the park.. The BVNA hasn ’ t implemented a mechanism to track hours of maintenance . Joe suggests we refresh the system to log the hours.. May be some sort of a form can be developed and made available on line where people can record their volunteer hours ?

Brian m entioned that this is possibly an issue because no one has really thought about it and the city just started working on the park.. The City currently has no money to pay for main tenance so the question is:: who is going to take care of the park . We need to figure out what is necessary to manage the park,, since we are advocating for more parks and can’t even take proper care of the one we have..

Brian repeated that this is an issue that has been ignored and it’s time to figure out a solution..


The p roject deadline is end of June.. T here are 3 artbox es that are s till behind schedule,, but they will be ready by the end of June.. The one at Leigh suffered a delay due to an a rtist's family issue s . The one on Buena V ista should be d one within a week from today’s date.. The boxes will be considered ready after the anti - graffiti coating is applied by the volunteers..

There was an altercation with the artbox located at Scott and Bascom because the owner of the C alderon T ire store confronted the artist believing she was tagging or vandalizing the box.. The Sheriff was called but the situation was clarified with the owner and the work proceeded normally.. The tire shop owner had clearly not been informed about the artbox program..

Brian mentioned that there should be more outreach with the business owners so they are aware of our Neighbo rhood Association and our projects..

In regards to that,, it would be ideal to add more business members or get more participation from neighboring businesses and get them to pay a membership fee.. Joe m entioned that it’s not necessarily a great idea since we hardly ever see any progress,, meetings are usually chaotic and unorganized..


A newsletter could be a way to involve local businesses and get them to advertise w ith us.. Joe suggests we add more neighborhoods to the newsletter and have a wider base of potential advertisers.. On e idea is to contact the Shasta - Hanchett A ssociation and try to join forces..

If we can get a newsletter out that is innovative and maybe bilingual,, we can use photos of the park and write interesting articles which Jose can translate to Spanish.. Joe could tentatively write about bike trails in the area

(LLos Gatos,, Guadalupe River and others))..

For the Artbox Celebration,, the prop osed date could be the beginning of June at the house of Marco and Carlos.. There would be some BBQ or a potluck.. We should be sure to invite Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio..

The meeting was adjourned at 8::220 PM



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953

(408) 622.0602

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© 2020 by the BVNA

This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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