Post Date:03/10/2020 5:00 PM
SOURCE: City of San José Emergency Operations CenterContact: Rosario Neaves, Director of Communications/EPIO; 210-823-3908 City of San José Media Line: 408-535-7777Email: rosario.neaves@sanjoseca.govDATE/TIME OF REPORT: March 10, 2020, 5:00 PMThe following is information about the City of San José’s response to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reduce the number of people infected. Read the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department order and latest guidance requiring cancellation of mass gatherings of more than 1,000 persons and new recommendations to protect residents.Updates on City of San José Services and/or Operations County Order Enforcement: The San José Police Department has an operations plan in place to enforce the County’s legal order requiring cancellation of mass gatherings consisting of more than 1,000 persons. For reasons of public safety, no information beyond this can be shared about the Police Department’s approach to enforcement. Encampment Abatements: In coordination with public health officials, the Housing Department has temporarily suspended abatements of homeless encampments to avoid the possibility of unintentionally putting anyone at greater risk of exposure to COVID-19. This suspension is effective March 10 through the second week of April, however, the situation is fluid and dates may change. The Homeless Concerns Hotline remains open and the Housing Department continues to send outreach teams to encampments to help homeless individuals understand how best to protect themselves from the virus. Economic Impacts: City staff are continuing to work with our County partners to help manage the spread of COVID-19 to reduce transmission and avoid placing undue burden on our healthcare facilities. City staff are actively collecting data throughout this emergency response process to inform eventual financial impact analysis and fund recovery tracking. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, seven conferences and twelve theater performances have cancelled in Team San José managed facilities. Community Forest Management Plan Meetings: Hosted by the Department of Transportation and originally scheduled for March 17, 18, and 19. Will be postponed indefinitely. Citizenship Day 2020: Naturalization assistance scheduled for April 4 and April 18 has been postponed until further notice. Happy Hollow Park & Zoo: Happy Hollow Park & Zoo is open during normal hours of operation and taking proactive steps to promote wellness. In addition to increased sanitation efforts, the Park & Zoo has reduced admission to less than 900 visitors per day, which meets or exceeds the current Santa Clara County order regarding mass gatherings. Operating hours and changes can be found at Senior Programming: The United Nations Association Film Festival film screenings in March and April; and the Dementia Friendly Programming for March scheduled to take place during the Senior Nutrition Program have been postponed and canceled, respectively. For updates on cancelations and postponements, visit Community Centers: Community Centers are open today during regular operating hours. Some events, services and meetings may be cancelled or postponed if the space does not allow participants to practice social distancing. The Neighbor Nights events scheduled for this Friday, March 13 at Almaden, Berryessa, Roosevelt and Seven Trees community centers have been cancelled. For updates on cancelations and postponements, visit Social Distancing within City of San José Workforce: The City is providing ways for all employees to maintain social distancing in the workplace, which may include a change in work location, alternate work schedules, and/or telecommuting. In addition, meetings are being held via phone or video conference whenever possible. The City has also cancelled all non-essential business travel through the end of April.Subscribe to the News Releases eNotification list to receive City of San José Flash Reports, and follow us at and @CityofSanJose on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor.Esta información está disponible en español enông tin này có sẵn bằng Tiếng Việt trên trang: person’s risk for COVID-19 is not related to race, ethnicity or culture. City employees must abide by the Discrimination and Harassment policy, and treat colleagues and members of the public with courtesy and respect. Discrimination and/or Harassment of any kind is a violation of the policies and will not be tolerated.
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