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Kiwanis Special Games XL


The Kiwanis Special Games were created to address the physical and emotional needs of the substantial number of extremely challenged children in the schools of our region. More broadly known programs like the Special Olympics presume a much higher level of function. The Special Games exclude no one. The Games were first organized in 1979 by two Adaptive PE teachers and Los Altos Kiwanian Walter Chronert. Under Walt’s leadership, spanning more then 25 years, the Games flourished from modest beginnings involving just the Los Altos Kiwanis Club to the regional event they are today.

Now, each May about 900 severely challenged kids from public and private schools across Santa Clara County are invited to participate in a one day event of physical endeavor and success. This is the one day in the year when these youngsters are special, they are athletes, and at the center of attention through positive achievement. For many of these kids, the Special Games is their favorite day of the year.

This years games will be held at West Valley College, Saratoga on

Friday, May 18, 2018

For more information on attending or volunteering, visit:


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