The City of San José is starting a one-year process to update its Bike Plan, and we need to hear from you – whether you ride a bike or not. You experience San José streets every day, and your input is an indispensable and vital part of this plan. Help us create a San José where biking is a regular and common activity for people of all ages and abilities. Let us know:
How can we make biking easier and more comfortable?
What needs to improve for you to either start making some trips by bike or, if you already bike sometimes, to make more of your trips by bike?
What would make biking more fun and convenient for you?
We want to know what keeps people from biking and how the City can help overcome these barriers – both through new bikeways and supportive programs. There are lots of ways to get involved, both online and in person.
We’ll be at Viva CalleSJ on September 23, 2018 – come visit us!
You can also share your thoughts on our online, interactive map. www.bikesanjose.com
or e-mail us at bikesanjose@sanjoseca.gov During this first phase, we want to hear from you and your neighbors, families, kids, businesses owners, and all community members. We are also analyzing data about existing conditions for biking in San José. We will use the community’s input and a data-driven analysis to draft recommendations for new projects (new bikeways) and for programs that support bicycling. We anticipate having these ready for your review and input by Spring 2019. Learn more at: www.bikesanjose.com