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Updates on City of San José Services and/or Operations


  -Eviction Moratorium:

On March 17, the City Council approved a temporary moratorium on residential evictions. The moratorium is in effect through April 17, and the City Council may consider extending it. The moratorium applies to all residential properties in San José, and provides residents relief from evictions for nonpayment of rent due to impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. For more information, visit

-Exemption for Housing Construction:

The City of San Jose has confirmed with the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department that the County Order exempts “Housing Construction” from the requirement to cease activities, because housing is considered “Essential Infrastructure”. Housing Construction is not limited to affordable housing or homeless housing. As part of “Essential Business”, Essential Infrastructure is ‘strongly encouraged to remain open’ and to comply with Social Distancing Requirements to the greatest extent feasible. Other construction activities are not exempted and must comply with the Order.

-Business Support:

The City’s Office of Economic Development emergency response has set up an email,, for businesses, employers, workers, owners, and managers who need business-related information or support during the COVID-19 crisis. The mailbox will be monitored by staff who speak English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. This is also the “sender” address for our emails to businesses on COVID-19 issues.

-Community Unity and Support of our Immigrant Community:

As we work to protect all members of our community from COVID-19, the Rapid Response Network in Santa Clara County (Spanish video, Vietnamese video) continues its operations and stands ready to protect community members targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). If you see or think you see ICE in your community, call 408-290-1144 immediately and Rapid Response volunteers and immigration attorneys will be ready to assist. We stand with all of our community, regardless of immigration status.

-Public Meetings:

The Governor issued an Executive Order relaxing Brown Act requirements to allow for teleconferencing in public meetings by members of the legislative body without posting their teleconferenced remote location and without allowing the public to attend the meeting at those remote locations. Yesterday, the San Jose City Council incorporated these requirements in the City’s Open Government (Sunshine) Resolution. This allows City legislative bodies to hold public meetings via teleconferencing without posting their remote location as long as the agenda notes at least 72 hours in advance that members may be teleconferencing into the meeting. There must still be a physical location where the public may attend. City Council meetings and Rules and Open Government Committee meetings will continue as planned. Rooms will be set up for social distancing and councilmember attendance can be virtual. The Planning Commission will be held virtually, as needed. All other Council Committee, Commission, and Board meetings are cancelled through May.


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