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BART Redistricting Discussion At Special Board Meeting on 2/16/22


The BART redistricting process is advancing, and the BART Board of Directors is scheduled to discuss redistricting at the Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 1:00pm - please note that the meeting will begin with closed session and the redistricting item is not expected to begin until approximately 2pm. The agenda and agenda packet/materials for the Special Board Meeting may be directly accessed through Legistar by clickinghere. Sign up for Board meeting notices here. Information about translation services can be viewed here. Join the virtual meeting on 2/16/22 at 1pm on Zoom - please note that the meeting will begin with closed session and the redistricting item is not expected to begin until approximately 2pm: Webinar ID: 810 1024 1252 Or Telephone US: +1 669 900 6833 or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) Feedback and questions regarding redistricting can be submitted to the District Secretary's Office via email ; phone at (510) 464-6083; or mail at 2150 Webster Street, 10th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 - Attn: District Secretary’s Office. BART election districts are redrawn every 10 years following the U.S. Census. The primary purpose of redistricting is to ensure population equality among districts. BART has provided the following draft maps:

BART Board Districts Map Plan A BART Board Districts Map Plan B BART Board Districts Map Plan C BART Board Districts Map Public 101 (derived from public input) BART Board Districts Map Public 102 (derived from public input) BART has rolled out mapping tools to enable public input for redistricting. BART interactive mapping tool for redistricting: This tool gives residents the ability to create and share a Community of Interest and/or draft Board Member districts. Map submissions will appear in the gallery on the main landing page, enabling residents to view public input for redistricting. BART Districts and Demographic Data: This web mapping tool is for visualizing BART districts and demographic data. In addition to the interactive mapping tool, BART is providing a Community Input Map to allow residents to identify and provide supplemental information regarding their Community of Interest. This feature can be used on a mobile device and is offered in English and Spanish (Español), providing residents with an app that can be used to submit community information in their language of choice. Community Input Map: English Community Input Map: Spanish/Español Learn more about BART Redistricting at This process is guided by traditional redistricting principles as well as the U.S. Constitution, the California Constitution, the federal Voting Rights Act, the BART District Act, and the Fair and Inclusive Redistricting for Municipalities and Political Subdivisions (FAIR MAPS) Act.

Please contact the District Secretary’s Office at (510) 464-6082 or (510) 464-6083 with any questions or requests for accommodations/assistance.



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