This event is for current Buena Vista Neighborhood Residents. For information about Dumpster Day in your neighborhood, check with your local neighborhood association or reach out to your City Council Representative.
To participate, you must currently reside in Buena Vista and have proof of residency, thisevent is for household waste not commercial waste.
We will accept the following items:
Cell phones or landline telephones
Computers, laptops, tablets, or computer accessories
Copiers, printers, or fax machines
DVD or VCR players
Video game consoles
Old furniture, desks drawers, mattresses, box springs
Counter tops, hardware, toilets, glass, carpet and padding
lumber, fencing, wood, logs
lawn mowers(fluids drained)
Plastic toys
Clean concrete, brick, cinder blocks rock
Packaging styrofoam in a clear plastic bag
We will not accept the following items:
Fertilizer and Pesticides
Any type of lightbulbs
Gas cylinders and tanks
Fire extinguishers
Paint, solvent, and more
Automotive and cleaning products
No commercial waste! Trailers over 4x8 will be turned away
Dumpster Day is Saturday April 22, 2023 from 8am to 12 noon, or until the dumpsters are full, along S Buena Vista Avenue. Vehicles should enter from Scott street.
You must be able to unload your waste placing it fully inside the dumpsters; volunteers on site are not able to assist with unloading or moving garbage.