As a property owner or tenant in the area of the proposed project described below, you are receiving this invitation to a community meeting where the project will be discussed. The meeting is hosted by the City of San José Planning Division and the project applicant. This is an opportunity for you to learn about the proposal and provide input. Other proposed General Plan Amendments will also be discussed at this meeting. City staff will consider all comments at this meeting as well as comments made by phone or submitted in writing during the evaluation period of the proposal.
Proposed Project: File No. GP18-002 – 550 Meridian Avenue, located approximately 600 feet north of the intersection of Parkmoor Avenue and Meridian Avenue. General Plan Amendment to change the site’s General Plan Land Use Designation from Industrial Park to Combined Industrial/ Commercial on a 12.54 gross acre site.
Tuesday, July 9th, 2018 City Manager’s Conference Room 1734, City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, San José
Validated parking is available under the City Hall Tower. Entrance on 6th Street.
If you have comments or questions about this project, please contact:
City of San José Planning Division
Robert Rivera Project Manager Phone: (408) 535-4843 Email: Robert.Rivera@sanjoseca.gov
Sean Morley
Morley Bros. LLC Applicant Phone: (408) 458-4440 Email: sean@moreleyrbos.com