Everyone should maintain an emergency supply kit for your home, office, and/or car including in the following items:
Battery-powered radio, flashlights, and batteries
Extra set of car keys
Supply of easy-to-prepare, nonperishable foods (packaged snacks, fruits, water, and juices)
Manual can opener
Windup or battery-operated clock
Cash, coins, and credit cards
Change of clothing, rain gear, and sturdy shoes
Blankets or sleeping bags
If you have a baby, include extra diapers and other infant care items
First aid kit
Essential medicines and prescription information
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of doctors and pharmacist
Extra pair of glasses, hearing aid batteries, extra wheelchair batteries, oxygen, medication, catheters, food for guide or service dogs, or other special equipment you might need
List of the style and serial numbers of medical devices such as pacemakers