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Flash Report #4 - Covid-19 Mitigation And Response


  1. Post Date:03/09/2020 5:00 PM

  2. SOURCE:   City of San José  Emergency Operations Center Contact: Rosario Neaves, Director of Communications/EPIO; 210-823-3908  City of San José Media Line: 408-535-7777 Email: DATE/TIME OF REPORT: March 9, 2020, 5:00 PMThe following is information about the City of San José’s response to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reduce the number of people infected. Read the latest County guidance.Today, the County also released information on the first reported local victim. Read the news.Updates on City Services and/or OperationsCity Council Meeting: The San José City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 will be available to be streamed live from the City’s YouTube channel. Members of the public attending in-person will be asked to observe the County’s guidance for social distancing during the meeting. An overflow room for the public will be located in Wing Room 120, adjacent to City Council Chambers.Neighborhoods Commission: The Neighborhoods Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 11 is canceledPlanning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 11, will continue as planned. Similar to the City Council meeting, social distancing is urged and Wing Room 120, adjacent to Council Chambers, is available for viewing the meeting.Planning Director’s Hearing: The hearing scheduled for Wednesday, March 11 will continue as planned.Seniors Commission: The Seniors Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12 is canceled.Appeals Hearing Board: The Appeals Hearing Board will continue regular meetings, which are canceled if there are no items to address; due to no items, the Thursday, March 12 meeting is canceled.Libraries: All City libraries are open during regular operating hours. Some services, meetings may be canceled or postponed. Public computer access will also be limited. Visit for updates.Workforce Development/work2future: Job Centers continue to offer one-on-one career advising during regular operating hours and all planned orientations and job-search workshops will be held as scheduled. Updates will be made at Housing Workshop: Code Enforcement’s March 18 workshop for Multiple Housing property owners and managers, entitled “Life Safety and Fire Prevention,” has been canceled. It will be rescheduled for a later month.City of San José Walk 'n' Roll: School safety events are continuing at the partner schools' discretion.Customer Contact Center (San José 311): The City’s Customer Contact Center, located in the first floor lobby of City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, or by phone at 3-1-1 (408-535-3500), will continue regular operating hours.Subscribe to the City of San José News Releases eNotification list to receive Flash Reports, and follow us at and @CityofSanJose on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor.Esta información esta disponible en español en (Translation: This information is available in Spanish onông tin này có sẵn bằng Tiếng Việt trên trang: (Translation: This information is available in Vietnamese on A person’s risk for COVID-19 is not related to race, ethnicity or culture. City employees must abide by the Discrimination and Harassment policy, and treat colleagues and members of the public with courtesy and respect. Discrimination and/or Harassment of any kind is a violation of the policies and will not be tolerated.


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