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Pub Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Dec. for San Carlos Hyatt Hotel C20-015 SP18-012


Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Project Name: San Carlos Hyatt Hotel Project

File No.: C20-015 and SP18-012

Description: Rezoning and Special Use permit to redevelop an existing vehicle wholesale lot into a new Hyatt Hotel. This would require the demolition of the existing 530 square foot sales office and the 2,061 square foot mechanic shop currently on the property. The proposed project includes the construction of a 105-room hotel at approximately 60,830 square feet, with an 11,844 square foot basement. The hotel will be six-stories tall, or 73.5 feet, and will include 105 rooms, two guest lounges, a guest kitchen, a bar/café, a gym, an office, a staff room, an ancillary storage, and housekeeping facilities. The basement will house garage utilities, housekeeping, and maintenance areas. There will be 58 standard parking spaces provided using 25 vehicle lifts and tandem parking, and two ADA parking spaces at ground level. The project will also construct a new 20-foot sidewalk with a new curb and gutter along West San Carlos Street, as well as a 12-foot sidewalk with a new curb, gutter, and approach along Willard Avenue. These improvements also include the planting of seven trees and the replacement of a bus stop with shelter.

Location: The 0.39-acre project site is located at 1470 W. San Carlos in the City of San José.

Assessor’s Parcel No.: 277-20-035

Council District: 6

Applicant Contact Information: Bay Living Investments LLC (Attn: Dylan Nguyen); 4848 San Felipe Road, Ste 150-609, San José, CA 95135; (408) 499-4076

The City has performed an environmental review of the project. The environmental review examines the nature and extent of any adverse effects on the environment that could occur if the project is approved and implemented. Based on the review, the City has prepared a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for this project. An MND is a statement by the City that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment because the project will include mitigation measures that will reduce identified project impacts to a less than significant level. The project site is not present on any list pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code.

The public is welcome to review and comment on the Draft MND. The public comment period for this Draft MND begins on Tuesday January 26, 2021 and ends on Tuesday February 16, 2021. The Draft MND, Initial Study, and reference documents are available online at:

In response to the COVID-19 and Shelter-in-Place policy, hard copies are no longer available at the typical locations such as the City of San José Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, located at City Hall, 200 East Santa Clara Street; and at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Main Library, located at 150 E. San Fernando Street during normal business hours. Therefore, if requested, a hard copy will be mailed to you. Please allow time for printing and delivery. Please contact Bethelhem Telahun at (408) 535-5624, or by e-mail at for hard copy request, questions, or concerns.



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Buena Vista Neighborhood  Assc.

P.O. Box 26953
San Jose, CA 95159-6953


(408) 622.0602

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This website is paid for in part by grant money provided by the City of San Jose's BeautifySJ Program.

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