A number of woodland fires are burning around SantaClara County filling the skies with

smoke and sparking a number of evacuation warnings and orders for residents. There is an important distinction between the two. An Evacuation Warning is a high probability of a need to evacuate; if you recieve a warning you should pack up supplies so you can leave quickly. An evacuation Order means you are lawfully required to leave the area within the specified timeframe; during an evacuation order there may not be time to get things.
If you receive an Evacuation Warning or Order, check the link to make sure your address is included. Notices to cell phones go out beyond the borders of the evacuation zone. Status updates at:
Regardless of if you have received an evacuation warning/orderor not, if your house is being threatened by fire, it is imperative you evacuate as quickly and as safely as possible. Fire moves very quickly and evacuations take time. These fires are very fluid and information is constantly in flux, the county has set up an information hotline: 408-808-7778 where you can get more information on evacuation orders and maps of the areas affected by the fire are available online at:
The CZU AUGUST LIGHTNING COMPLEX burn map is available at:
Si recibe una advertencia u orden de evacuación, verifique el enlace para asegurarse de que su dirección esté incluida. Los avisos a los teléfonos celulares salen más allá de los límites de la zona de evacuación. Vea el estado de actualizaciones en
Nếu quý vị nhận thông báo về Cảnh Báo Có Thể Bị Di Tản hoặc Lệnh Di Tản, xin xem trang mạng này đế biết nếu địa chỉ của quý vị có bị ảnh hưởng hay không. Các thông báo trên điện thoại không chỉ giới hạn trong phạm vi của khu di tản. Cập nhật tình trạng qua trang mạng
Learn how to prepare at readyforwildfire.org. Stay updated and receive notifications. Sign up for AlertSCC - http://bit.ly/AlertSCC_Signup.