SP18-012APN: 27720035
SNI area: Burbank/Del Monte RDA Area:San Carlos
Zone: N/A Impervious Surface: Yes
Gross Acres: .390
Work Code: None
Tech: Maggie Suson-Nale
District: 6
FloodZone: No GP: Urban Village Historic Inventory: No Previous Files: PRE16-152, PRE16-035
Planned Community: No Near a Waterway(<300ft): No
Historic Dist: No
Manager: Ruth Cueto
Engineer: Joe Provenzano Owner: GOLDBERG STEVEN
Growth Area Type: Urban Village Location: southeast corner of W. San Carlos Street and Willard Avenue
Address: 1470 WEST SAN CARLOS ST
Description: Special Use Permit to allow demolition of existing buildings and construct a new 4-story hotel with automated stacking parking on .390 gross acre site
