This initiative is a collaborative effort of the Cities of San José, Santa Clara, Cupertino, the County of Santa Clara, and VTA to create a shared vision for this vital transportation corridor.
One of the main goals of this study is to hear from many voices from the community. The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor includes a rich diversity of businesses and community members. The Project Team is dedicated to meeting with interested stakeholders to better understand challenges people face traveling within the corridor. We are committed to creating an inclusive vision for a safe and convenient connection between Cupertino, Santa Clara, and San José.
As a key stakeholder, the community is invited to the fourth Informational Webinar. To participate in this event, please CLICK HERE. During the webinar, we will review vision implementation and concepts. Details for the webinar are below:
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 (Zoom), 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Zoom
To be a part of the conversation, click HERE
About the Corridor
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor, beginning along West San Carlos Street near Diridon Station and extending to the west to Highway 85, is a major artery that connects regional job centers focusing on health, education, and tech to housing and commercial areas. Prominent sites along the corridor include De Anza College, Main Street Cupertino, Apple headquarters, Agilent Technologies headquarters, San José City College, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, five San José Urban Villages – one of which includes the Santana Row/Valley Fair shopping district, new West San José Innovation Zone and a “Future Focus Area” in the City of Santa Clara.
