The public is invited to attend Steering Committee Meeting #5. During this meeting, Steering Committee members (elected representatives of the participating agencies) will review and approve the final vision of the implementation plan. If you are interested in participating in this event, please CLICK HERE. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Date: Friday, September 6, 2024 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Cupertino City Hall (10300 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014)

Project Description
This study is a multi-jurisdictional two-year effort to create a shared vision for the future of the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor. The study will gather input from community members on challenges and opportunities they see on the corridor. Those insights will be used to develop a vision for the corridor in addition to steps to reach that vision. This will include recommendations on how to direct transportation investment from the cities of San José, Santa Clara, Cupertino, the county and VTA.
This Vision Study builds on previous transportation planning efforts and seeks to harmonize shared values in the corridor so future transportation investment in infrastructure and services can be coordinated across the different cities, the County, and VTA.
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor is a major health, education, tech industry, shopping and housing spine in the South Bay. It is experiencing significant growth in commercial and residential land uses. In 2019, the cities of Cupertino, Santa Clara, San José, and Santa Clara County adopted resolutions in support of a vision study of the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor to create a common vision for mobility to enhance quality of life for all community members. Additionally, regional funding for a high-capacity transit service on Stevens Creek was included as part of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC)’s Regional Transportation Plan after a joint submission by corridor agencies. A steering committee of elected officials corridor jurisdictions formed to provide a forum for elected representatives to meet, discuss and provide direction on a common vision for the Stevens Creek Corridor.
In February 2022 the City of Cupertino formally joined the study effort, with a particular interest in considering the potential for transit options that do not impact general purpose lanes or vehicular capacity on City surface streets, as well as the direction to extend the study limits to Foothill Boulevard.
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Vision Study began in January 2023, and the Engagement Plan is scheduled to be approved by the Steering Committee in June 2023 which will begin the formal outreach process for the Study.
About the Corridor
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor, beginning along West San Carlos Street near Diridon Station and extending to the west to Highway 85, is a major artery that connects regional job centers focusing on health, education, and tech to housing and commercial areas. Prominent sites along the corridor include De Anza College, Main Street Cupertino, Apple headquarters, Agilent Technologies headquarters, San José City College, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, five San José Urban Villages – one of which includes the Santana Row/Valley Fair shopping district, new West San José Innovation Zone and a “Future Focus Area” in the City of Santa Clara.