A lot has happened in the past several weeks related to eviction moratoriums and COVID-19. Here’s the latest:
If you’re a residential landlord or tenant, protections for evictions and foreclosures related to the pandemic now fall under a state law passed on August 31. Read more here: https://landlordtenant.dre.ca.gov/faqs.html
If you’re a small business tenant, you may still qualify for protection under the County’s ordinance. The County's eviction moratorium has been extended through September 30, 2020 for now. Small business tenants have up to 6 months after the moratorium expires to repay at least 50% of the past-due rent, and up to 12 months after this date to repay the full amount. The ordinance also includes potential fines and penalties against landlords who retaliate or deny small business tenants their rights and protections. Read more here: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/osh/EvictionMoratorium/Pages/home.aspx
