A Community Outreach Meeting will take place at

Thursday, February 1st, 2018 from 6:30-8:30pm
Proposed Project: File No. SP17-037 (Page Street Housing) – 329 Page Street, located on approximately 300 feet south of the intersection of West San Carlos and Page Street. A Special Use Permit to build an approximately 52,272 square foot affordable housing building on a 0.70 acre lot. The proposed building would be 100% affordable for households between 30-50% Area Median Income and have approximately 82 studio units. The building would include an alternative parking arrangement that would utilize parking lifts and provide 59 parking spaces.
If you have comments or questions about this project, please contact:
City of San José Planning Division
Robert Rivera Project Manager Phone: 408-535-4843 Email: Robert.Rivera@sanjoseca.gov