On June 29, 2021, City Council gave Department of Transportation staff approval to take the next step in developing a transit connection between Diridon Station in Downtown San José and Mineta International Airport. The City will hire ARUP, a transportation consulting firm, to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a partner in developing the Airport Connector project. Over the fall and winter, the City, with ARUP’s help, will put together the requirements for a world-class transit connection.
The Airport Connector is the first route in what is intended to be a larger system of high-quality, fast, frequent, and reliable new transit. The City, with partners VTA and neighboring jurisdictions, is looking for ways to more quickly and cheaply add new transit systems in the South Bay. This new approach to transit, coupled with the ongoing work to accelerate bus, light rail, and heavy rail systems, will create a holistic transit ecosystem that will enable more people to choose transit more often.
San José has already received information from many groups interested in becoming partners with the City to develop the project. Nineteen groups submitted early technology approaches to the project through an earlier step in the process. The City has also received unsolicited project information/proposals from two groups: Plenary and TCE Financial.
For more information visit: http://bit.ly/3wJzTAH
